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Your Michaela Reitterer

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Face portrait Michaela Reitterer

Book directly with us and enjoy the following benefits:

  • We guarantee that guests who book directly receive the best price – no other platform is cheaper.
  • -10% green bonus when traveling by bike or train

Your Michaela Reitterer

Experience Vienna | Page 17

by Victoria Eisenreich
The city of Vienna and Austria in general is hosting the EuroGames for the first time this year, which are held in a different major European city every year. Under the motto "Embrace Diversity", the

Kategorien: General
According to the annual study of the consulting firm Mercer, Vienna is the city with the highest quality of living worldwide for the 10th time in a row now! We will reveal what exactly makes the

Kategorien: Sustainability
by Elena Schöber
In our last blog article, we have already pointed out, why palm oil is so harmful to our planet. As we have promised, we would like to illustrate how you can avoid this omnipresent ingredient today:

Kategorien: Sustainability
by Elena Schöber
Palm oil, respectively palm fat, is on everyone’s lips at the moment. It is omnipresent, you can find it in one in two supermarket products. It is the most produced plant oil in the world and taken

Kategorien: Sustainability
by Elena Schöber
As a vegetarian, one easily feels placed in a dilemma when it comes to feeding one’s pets. Oneself renounces meat for ethical causes, but dog and cat get conventional animal feed, possibly even from

by Elena Schöber
In our last two blog articles, we have already provided you with some helpful tips for sustainable gardening. Today, we would like to present to you the final steps towards your green oasis of peace: