1. Palm oil is especially contained in instant meals. Hence, if you could try to cook with fresh ingredients, you do not only yourself but also our environment a favour. It is also the only way you can be sure what you are actually eating. In case that you need oil for preparing your meal, you should resort to European alternatives like sunflower, olive, rape or linseed oil.
Why you should avoid Palm Oil (2)
In our last blog article, we have already pointed out, why palm oil is so harmful to our planet. As we have promised, we would like to illustrate how you can avoid this omnipresent ingredient today:
2. As palm oil is hidden in every other product in the grocery store, it is essential that you examine the ingredient list of the favoured food before the purchase and to consume more sensibly. However, there are numerous different labels and technical terms for palm fat so that it is not obvious where it is contained at first glance. The app “Codecheck” will help you to find your way through the jungle of grocery packagings.

3. In order to solve the problem on a long-term basis, a certain awareness must be created among the manufacturers. Only when they notice that their customers refuse to consume products with palm oil, they will realise that they need to change something. So, do not hesitate to ask the sales staff about articles free of palm oil and write to the producers so that they feel forced to give in to the pressure from the public.
4. Many people do not know that also biofuel like diesel or E10 is mixed with palm oil wherefore it is even three times as climate-damaging as fuel from fossil oil. Since car driving is not economically friendly in general, it would be best to switch over to the public means of transport, the bike or an electric vehicle.
5. Participate in online protest campaigns, in order to additionally demonstrate that you do not agree with the cultivation of even more palm oil plantations. The Rainforest Rescue Association, for instance, runs numerous petitions on its website. Via abgeordnetenwatch.de, you can confront the politicians who are responsible for the palm oil contingent in the biofuel. Or you could join some demonstrations and street campaigns to call the attention of the media to the disastrous consequences of the palm oil cultivation.
6. Last but not least: spread the word and post the flyer of the Rainforest Rescue Association so that also your fellow human beings become aware of the problem.