Lunzers Maß-Greißlerei – a grocery store of another kind
Nowadays classic grocery stores find it hard to survive, as big supermarket chains are too competitive. With a sustainable and innovative store concept Lunzers Maß-Greißlerei in Vienna tries to buck the trend. Only bio-groceries are sold in this little grocery store and clients bring their own buckets in order to reduce the waste of packaging – a sustainable concept, which the Boutiquehotel Stadthalle wants to present in this blogpost.
A thought-provoking store concept
Andrea Lunzer founded the Maß-Greißlerei in the second district of Vienna in 2014. Located in the Heinestraße 35, between the Augarten and the Prater, a grocery store of another kind was opened. Andrea Lunzer questioned the sales strategies of the big supermarket chains and the behaviour of the consumers. Accordingly, each Austrian wastes 40 kilos of groceries each year. Andrea Lunzer aims at changing this trend and founded the Maß-Greißlerei, which aims at an efficient consumption of resources and food through an innovative grocery concept and in-store advice.
Lunzers Maß-Greißlerei – the package-free bio-grocery store in Vienna

In the heart of the second district, not far from Praterstern, you will find a very special grocery store in Vienna. Lunzers Maß-Greißlerei set new standards with an innovative and sustainable grocery store concept. All groceries can be bought in individual amounts. To be more precise, the customer decides, which amount he wants to buy from a specific good. Consequently he will only pay a price, which is based on the amount of a certain good. The advantage for the customer is clear: Through deliberate planning and individual in-store advice the waste of groceries belongs to the past.
Bring your own package buckets
Ressource-efficiency is another important topic at Lunzers Maß-Greißlerei. All groceries are sold unpacked and the customer is advised to bring his own package buckets in order reduce the waste of packaging material. Furthermore, Andrea Lunzer incorporated a deposit system for her glass bottles in order to stimulate her customers to bring back the empty glass bottles.
A big selection of bio-groceries and a small café

Vinegar, flour, bread, milk, honey, jams, juices, fresh cheese, wine and beer. This and more is available at the Maß-Greißlerei in Vienna. For further infos on the selection of groceries click here.
As sustainability plays an important role at Lunzers Maß-Greißlerei, all groceries are of course of bio-quality. A lot of attention is paid on the respective season. That’s why the different seasons are also displayed on the grocery store’s shelves.
The small Café, which is part of the grocery store, can be an interesting add-on for our guests in the Boutiquehotel Stadthalle. It serves a daily menu and delicious coffee. On warm days you can also sit outside.
Boutiquehotel Stadthalle is a big fan of sustainable projects
As a sustainable hotel in Vienna we are big fans of sustainable projects like this particular one. In our central hotel in Vienna we think that holisitc concepts, such as the one of the Maß-Greißlerei in the Heinestraße in Vienna, can have a big social impact. Accordingly, not only the sustainable consumption of food, but also a significant learning for the customers are at the heart of Andrea Lunzer’s business. We wish Andrea Lunzer and her Maß-Greißlerei a lot of success!
Images: (C) Andrea Lunzer, Maß-Greißlerei