Sustainability is a topic which is very important to us, wherefore we are always in search of new eco-friendly trends and ideas. Often, one would like to change something, but one just does not know where to start. For that reason, we have collected some useful apps for you which will help you to easily shape your everyday life in a more sustainable manner:
Apps which help making our Life more Sustainable (1)
Kleiderkreisel is a secondhand platform where you can easily sell, swap or even give away clothes that do not fit or please you anymore or conversely, buy used articles from other members. Aside from clothing, you can also find a great selection of shoes, bags, accessories and cosmetics. Worldwide, Kleiderkreisel counts already 20 million members and currently there are more than 52 million articles uploaded on the platform which is an incredible range. For comparison: online shops offer only around 1.000 products on average. Moreover, you can sustainably get rid of discarded children’s gear, toys, furniture and so forth at Mamikreisel. With the Kleiderkreisel App, you can give a second life to unused fashion articles conveniently from the sofa or from underway instead of disposing of it.

A sustainable lifestyle can present a real challenge but with this app it will come naturally to you to accept it. Eco Challenge will confront you with two new tasks concerning topics like diet, mobility, green electricity and regional products every week and it will remind you via popup notification on your smartphone if their accomplishment is still due. For example, the app will ask you to host a dinner for your friends with only regional ingredients or to replace your most frequently used light bulbs at home with energy-saving lamps. In addition to that Eco Challenge will provide you with enlightening infographics, sustainable recipe ideas or calculators every week which enable you to bring your own lifestyle habits face to face with the average of the population. Furthermore, you can record your successes and compare them to your friends so that you can compete against each other in a joint ranking and thereby mutually encourage you playfully to live more sustainably. We say: challenge accepted!
When going grocery shopping, we are often overwhelmed by the seal jungle on the product packagings. Allegedly sustainable labels often do not deliver what they promise. The Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) has therefore developed an app with photo detection of grocery logos, in order to provide us with honest and transparent information about the ecological value of an article. For this, you only have to photograph the label, sigil or logo of a product packaging and you will learn immediately which groceries were manufactured sparingly for environment, climate and nature. The evaluation concept is really simple: a green thumb indicates that the article is regarded as ecologically recommendable, a yellow thumb means that the advantage for the environment is good but still in need of improvement and a red thumb marks products which are not environmentally friendly. If an article even considerably exceeds the valid standards, also two green thumbs are awarded. Altogether, almost 60 sigils are recorded in the database.

We wish you a lot of fun and success with realising a sustainable lifestyle and we will provide you with further useful app suggestions next week!